January 2025 Update from our Borough Councillors
Upper Clatford
Our TVBC Borough Councillors Maureen Flood and Susanne Hasselmann have provided the following update on TVBC matters - their email addresses are at the end of the piece.
Borough Councillor Report
Cllr Maureen Flood and Cllr Susanne Hasselmann
January 2025
Local Authority Reorganisation
Hampshire County Council (HCC) had a special council meeting on the 9th January
to consider a report on the implications and opportunities for the County Council of
the English Devolution White paper which will include consideration of committing to
devolution, local government reorganisation and requesting the Secretary of State to
delay the County Council’s election in May.
During the meeting the County Council committed to the creation of a Combined
Authority across the wider region incorporating Isle of Wight Council, Portsmouth
City Council and Southampton City Council. The County Council therefore requested
to be included in the Devolution Priority Programme (DPP) as a fast track to
delivering devolution for the area.
As a consequence of joining the Devolution Priority Programme the County Council
committed to delivering Local Government Reorganisation across our area. The
Local Government Reorganisation proposals will be submitted to Government by
Autumn 2025.
As a consequence of joining the Devolution Priority Programme the County Council
requested a 12 month postponement of the County Council elections due to take
place in May 2025 to provide a necessary stable platform on which devolution
proposals can progress at pace in 2025.
The implications for local residents, TVBC staff and Councillors, and the way we
serve our local communities is not clear. We probably would all welcome improved
efficiencies and productivity in our local government but this has to be an evidence
based process to ensure we don’t stifle progress and delivery through a wholesale
reorganisation rather than focusing on what is important, i.e. local democracy and
service to our residents. As we progress in this journey, we will update you and both
Maureen and I would welcome your views. Please either send us an email (see
email address at the bottom of the report) or DM via Facebook.
National Planning Policy Framework
The new National Planning Policy Framework was published just before Christmas
2024. TVCB officers are currently working through the implications locally which are
likely to be significant. For the purposes of planning applications and appeals the
NPPF has taken effect from 12 December
A303 and A34 litter picking
From Monday 6 January, the council’s contractor, Core Highways Ltd, will commence
clearing the litter from the borough’s A303 and A34 verges, laybys and slip
roads. Mobile traffic management will be deployed to ensure that working on verges
and slip roads is safe. The work will take place during the day which will ensure the
quality of the clearance and will be monitored and signed off by the Environmental
Greenhouse gas report for 2023-24 and Climate Emergency
Action Plan Progress Update
The council’s annual greenhouse gas report for 2023/24 was published on the TVBC
website last month. The report shows that during 2023/24 there was about a 60%
drop in the reported gross TVBC greenhouse gas emissions and a 68% drop in net
greenhouse gas emissions, compared to 2022/23. A significant contribution to this
reduction was the transition to HVO in April 2023 in council’s fleet vehicles.
A progress update for the Climate Emergency Action Plan (2020) was published. It
outlines the latest greenhouse gas position and also updates on action taken.
Both documents are available to view at: Climate Emergency Action Plan | Test
Valley Borough Council.
Cllr Susanne Hasselmann, cllrshasselmann@testvalley.gov.uk
Cllr Maureen Flood, cllrmflood@testvalley.gov.uk
Contact Information
Karin Bennett
- 07356055907
Find Upper Clatford
Upper Clatford, Andover, Hampshire