Clatford Village Store and Post Office
Upper Clatford
Many residents of Upper Clatford use Clatford Village Store and Post Office, especially during the COVID 19 crisis. For this reason, we are posting the following notice from their Chairman.
AGM statement
The Chairman, Martin Jourdan, outlined the urgent situation regarding the future of the Clatfords’ Store and Post Office. A copy of his statement follows:
An important notice to all who live in the Clatfords’
You will all be aware that the Clatfords Village Store has faced an uphill battle to keep afloat ever since it was converted into a community owned shop in 2004. Its value to the community becomes particularly apparent in times of difficulty, such as the snows of 2017 and the coronavirus pandemic this year, when it has been a lifeline to so many.
But the shop only exists because of the large body of willing volunteers who help in so many ways and the very much smaller management committee who are necessary not only to give and execute direction, but also to maintain its legal status. The Board should have a compliment of eight members and four is the quorum. Currently the Board has only four members and I and the board member responsible for directing the day to day operations and the volunteers, can no longer continue. We have, between us been involved with the shop for some 30 years, and despite repeated pleas, no replacements have been forthcoming for
these positions or the other four.
At the recent AGM notice was given that we have agreed to continue for one more year until the AGM in early 2021. If by then no-one has come forward to replace us, and at least one or two of the other vacancies, the board will be compelled to take immediate measures for the winding down and closure of the shop (and Post Office).
The recent shop initiatives and performance over the pandemic have demonstrated not only just how necessary the shop is, and how sustainable it can be, but also how the recent financial performance of the shop provides a golden opportunity for a new management team to take the shop forward. There are several exciting developments open to the business, but it needs fresh management to think them through and implement them.
Will you be part of that future?
If you value your village shop and are prepared to help in this way, please contact me as soon as possible.
Martin Jourdan
Chairman CVS
01264 369050
Contact Information
Martin Jourdan
- 01264 369050
Find Upper Clatford
Upper Clatford, Andover, Hampshire