Bury Hill Meadows
Bury Hill Meadows
The land known as Bury Hill Meadows which lies to the south of Bury Hill Ring comprises 15 hectares of newly establishing wildflower meadow and woodland, in combination with mature hedgerows, standard trees and established grassland, which is to be managed by Test Valley Borough Council as a Nature Reserve for the benefit of wildlife and people.
Situated in Upper Clatford, approximately 2 miles South West of Andover, Bury Hill Meadows was purchased in 2021 by Test Valley Borough Council, as a result of developer contributions to help improve access to the countryside.
More details can be found on the TVBC website: Bury Hill Meadows Nature Reserve | Test Valley Borough Council
Bury Hill Meadows Hedge Rejuvenation Project
There was a TARCA volunteer day at Bury Hill meadows on the Saturday 1st Feb . The work being undertaken involves laying and rejuvenating a section of hedge (marked in orange on the map) and to coppice some trees and replant some sections of the current hedge (marked in purple on the map below). The purple section will be worked on over 2 years so no major change this year. Please see the information about the hedge rejuvenation process below. Details on the timings and some of the other activities being run by TARCA can be found on the TARCA site here Microsoft Word - 2025 Tasks and events TARCA version1.docx
TARCA is The Anton River Conservation Association